About Ann Harmon

Ann Harmon

I am an intuitive student of life, a teacher, a connector, and a facilitator of empowerment for my fellow human beings. Thousands of my past students and clients have achieved higher levels of health, balance, and success in their lives after working with me.

Although I am versed in multiple modalities, the simplicity, speed, and lack of the need for reliving or rehashing past traumas puts the F.I.X. Code as the best method for removing negative feelings and learning past lessons. This lights that inner spark of knowing and peace within you to recognize the truth of your true power as a free human being.

A past student gave these words to me and I pass them on to you to etch upon your heart for yourself:

“If I could give you one thing, … then you would truly realize what a truly special person you are.” And I will add for you reading this to take what was said to me as being said to you and adding, “and the realization of the need for your uniqueness to bless and contribute to the evolution of our planet.”

I am committed to holding that sacred space for you to heal from the trauma of your world. Allow me to serve as your guide as you journey towards experiencing and manifesting a life filled with prosperity, peace, joy, gratitude, and love.

What Are My Clients Saying?

Feedback from my delighted clientele.

Ann is a warm and caring person who makes you feel so safe when you are extracting all of the roots. You can feel the support she gives you just by her presence. You may be in the Ancient Past, but she is staying right here in the present, radiating love and support that goes throughout all times. I can’t recommend her enough.


Ann Harmon was so helpful to me with the FIX Code while I was going through my divorce and the aftermath. She is a blessing in my life and the FIX Code was very beneficial with helping to release trapped emotions in my body. Through the process, I was able to maintain a peaceful state through a state of chaos.


At first, I had no idea how this would work or even if it would do anything for me, but near completion of the sessions, I was in a situation that would have upset me and would have shown in a more dramatic way. My spouse pointed out that I had handled it in a more calm manner. I was still not happy to what occurred, but I subconsciously reacted more positively. I can see and feel this working in me. I am grateful for Ann’s time invested in me and the passion she has to help others. If I had to grade her, I would give her a near perfect score. I would like to see her help and heal others as she did me.


Ann has helped me so much with the FIX Code technique. I fully believe we need to heal our emotions and I was very open to this technique and it worked well for me. Ann is very good at walking you through the process and helping your body let go of the emotions. I’m glad I did this with her and will do it again in the future if needed. I have done emotional healing before and my body responds well. I am so thankful I did this with her.


What is there to say about Ann Harmon and her ability to do the Fix Code? She is amazing. We touched on things that I didn’t know needed to be dealt with. Thank you, Ann. For all your hard work and helping FIX me.


From the first session of the FIX Code, I could tell a difference by experiencing increased calmness and less worry. Ann is skilled in utilizing the FIX Code and I feel the intensity as I release codes. It has enhanced my life and I intend to continue to have sessions as issues come up for me.


After losing my mom and family, I was crushed. In working with Ann and the FIX Code, I have released some of this heavy baggage I’ve been dragging around since childhood. When I encounter a sad situation, I no longer feel in it with old memories, but I can sit back in empathy. I am looking forward to continuing to release old trauma and be happy again.”


My first session cleared anger. As a result, anger is not present and when it comes up, it is not as intense and I am not triggered as I used to be. Ann guided me without getting in the way and she held space for me as I did the work. The FIX Code has improved my life.


Ann Harmon has provided and guided 8 – 30-minute FIX Code Sessions with me. Through her patience and deep listening, she has demonstrated competency with the interactions required during the process. With Ann, I truly felt comfortable, connected, and cared for.


Ann and I meet many times to discuss issues and she helps me to identify codes. Through using the FIX Code, Ann has helped me clear many emotional codes the last few months. I appreciate this and have put what needed to be put in its proper place. It has been very helpful.


Introducing the F.I.X. Code

Sit back, relax, close your eyes and follow the guided instructions. The F.I.X. Code is an advanced technique that eases emotional blocks and trauma.

We remove the emotional response to a specific memory of a past traumatic event so well that when you think about what happened to you, you can't think about the horrible way you feel right now. It's as if it happened to someone else.

Years of implementation and thousands of lives changed have proven that the F.I.X Code changes lives immediately. The far-reaching effects of one changed life are infinite.

F.I.X. Code Sessions

We will meet over Zoom so you can be anywhere in the world! Just make sure you are in a quite place where you can close your eyes with no distractions. You will be sitting up during the session.

I will ask you a MAGIC QUESTION that will allow you to connect to the emotion that is running like a computer program in the background of your mind. We call the emotion/program a CODE.

During the Session

Within 3-5 minutes you can disconnect the CODE from memories through a simple meditation where you will be guided back to the root cause typically between birth and the age of 7 and sometimes your unconscious mind will reveal an event that is before birth (ancestral past). Your mind WILL reveal information to you.


What is the F.I.X. CODE?

The F.I.X. Code is an advanced technique that eases emotional blocks and trauma.

How long is a F.I.X. CODE session?

A session usually is usually 15 minutes up to 45 minutes depending on how many codes you want to work through.

What is the cost of a F.I.X. CODE session?

The investment for F.I.X. Code sessions can vary depending on the codes you are ready to release.

A 15 minute experience session is $25

A 1 hour session is $125

After taking the Passion to Purpose Course - (5) 30 minute F.I.X. Code sessions is $299

After taking the Beyond Amazing Course - (6) 30 minute F.I.X. Code sessions is $399

After taking the Spiritual Cleanse Course - (10) 30 minute F.I.X. Code sessions is $699

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